Sunday, March 4, 2007

The Augustus Mackinnon Story

Augustus took his "regular moving" job to the next level. He didn't just move the furniture in the houses and let the owners deal with where they wanted to put it. He challenged himself as he did his job to try different furniture arrangements. He poet and used the methods of writing poetry in arranging furniture. I have no idea where he came up with that idea. Each house he tried to complete a new arrangement. I think that moving furniture would be a boring job. I think Augustus motivation for trying new furniture arrangements was to make the job more interesting and make a challenge for himself at first, but then became something way more. I bet that Augustus was really happy with his achievements and he was probably very bitter when the interior decorators ruined his career. In fact you can tell he was very bitter because he cut her up, which is just morbid. All because she said light fixtures weren't furniture. I can just see this crazy man going around sticking stickers that say furniture on everything.

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