Monday, February 12, 2007

Wedding Factory

It was kind of funny at the beginning of the story because the guy was confused about where he was at. He was so drunk that he couldn't even remember why he was suppose to be at the wedding reception. All he knew was that there was reason for him being there. Since it didn't really tell much about the guy as I kept reading I started to wonder if he was the groom or even in one of the wedding parties, but had gotten so drunk that he couldn't remember. Once the guy started talking about finding Renae's reception and how he dated her at one time in his life I began to piece it together that he was there to see his old girlfriend. The story never really tells what he had planned to do by going to the reception. I don't think he was invited either. It would of been interesting to see what would of happened if he did make it to the right reception and actually had contact with Renae. The guy was still bitter at the girl specially after he found out she ended up moving to New York. I don't blame him it probably was like a knife in the back.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Get Anyone to Take Immediate Action in Any Situation

When I read the title of this I was a little skeptical that what I was about to read could actually work. As I began to read it I realized that most of it was true. I know if in my life I tend to dwell on things longer when I have too many choices to choose from, and like it said I do doubt if I made the right choice for awhile after I've made it. Personally I like deadlines because otherwise I would never get done what I was suppose to do and I do agree that they are very important when your asking someone to do something. Deadlines push the person to get what you want them to do right away. Using the law of inertia was something I never thought about. It makes sense though people are more app to agree to do something gradually then just jumping right into it. Over the years I've learned that if you tell someone to do something and you don't really know what your talking about they most likely will take it less seriously and sometimes not do it at all. Additional incentive is probably the thing that clinches most people into doing something their asked. It is human nature for people to think about what they can get out of what they are about to agree to. All of these things really are good ways to get people do stuff you want them to do. I know I'll remember them for the next time I need to ask someone for a favor.

Monday, February 5, 2007

Nautical Nonsense

At the beginning of the story I couldn't figure out if the person buying the items at the store was a girl or guy. There was a lot of unknown facts missing as I went through the story but at the very end it all came together and I understood what happened. I thought that the cashier and the guy checking out didn't even know each other at first and that the guy was some crazy freak when he took the bat to the boyfriends truck. The story was written in a different kind of way compared to the one we read in class. The one in class you always knew who was talking before we even started to read it. In this story you had to wait until after you read what the person was saying to figure out if it was the girl or guy. Personally I thought it was really weird how when the guy got home he went straight to his closet to plan what he should buy the next day at Wal-mart. He looks really desperate. Specially if he is only going to the store to buy things so he can see his ex-girlfriend. If he really wanted to see his kid I'm sure he could put more effort in it than just stalking the babies mom and saying the suggestive things he said to her on the phone surely aren't helping him out with the situation.